Increase Your Ezoic Earnings – 9 Easy Ways

Ezoic is a great way to monetize your website and increase your earnings. But like any other business venture, there are ways to maximize your profits and get even more out of the platform.

In this article, we’re going to look at how to increase your Ezoic earnings using 9 easy to implement methods.

Let’s get started.

How to increase your Ezoic Earnings

1. Use a website layout that has a sidebar

Ads in the sidebar can account for some of the best ad placements on desktop devices. They do not interfere with the main content on the page but are still highly visible as people read your article.

While traffic on mobile devices is increasing, a large portion of your traffic can still come from desktop devices.

Sticky sidebar ads are a great way of increasing your revenue with Ezoic if you’re not using them already.

Around about 11% of my ad revenue comes from sidebar ads, but the overall EPMV increased by around 20% when I turned on ads in the sidebar.

*EPMV is basically the amount earned per 1000 visits, which is what Ezoic calls sessions.

In addition to ads, you can also place affiliate offers in the sidebar, or other opt-ins, which can also increase your other income streams on your website.

If you do not have a sidebar on your website, you should definitely consider adding one.

2. Create longer articles

The longer your article is, the more opportunity Ezoic has to test ad placements on your posts.

This can help increase the number of ads that are seen when someone reads an article, as well as increase the ad conversion rate. Ezoics AI will then use this information to serve ads to visitors in the best possible place (it won’t use all of the placeholders, only the best possible places for each individual visitor).

Creating longer articles does not mean you need to add more words. You can make an article longer by including images, YouTube videos, and graphics, as well as by breaking up long sections of text.

Ezoic can only include an ad placeholder between blocks. So by breaking up your paragraphs into smaller more readable blocks, it not only improves readability for your visitors but also increases the amount you can earn with that article.

3. Use Ezoic Analytics

The analytics available on the Ezoic platform are some of the best in the business.

Because your ad revenue is generated through the platform, you can easily see exactly which articles are bringing in the majority of your revenue and which articles have the highest EPMV metrics.

Once you know which articles earn the most per visit, you can get a better idea of the type of content you should make more of.

When doing this analysis, make sure to add a minimum number of page views or visits, as some pages that do not generate a lot of visitors can show abnormal metrics.

I usually include a filter to only show posts that have received at least 100 pageviews in the past 30 days.

Then you can look through the top results for trends and find similar articles you can write on these high-value topics.

How To Increase Your Ezoic Earnings By Taking Advantage Of High Epmv Articles

4. Target keywords in high-income countries

This tip continues from the previous one and also involves using Ezoics Analytics.

Generally speaking, high-income countries are the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and so on.

Consumers in these countries tend to have higher incomes, and online advertisers spend more money in order to reach these people. This results in higher EPMVs for traffic from these regions.

We can use Ezoic analytics to take this further though.

If you go to “Audience” and then “Location” in the Analytics dashboard, you get an overview of where all of your traffic is coming from.

Set the time frame to the last month and then add a filter to only show the locations that have brought in at least 100 visitors to your site so you can remove the odd outliers.

Then you can sort by EPMV from high to low and see exactly which countries are the most valuable to you and which countries keywords you should be targeting.

Ezoic Location Analytics

There could be a number of factors, like interest in a specific region, that could show you some countries have a higher EPMV for your niche than what you would have thought, or what is considered the norm.

You can then use this information to find queries that people in those specific countries are asking.

5. Create a website trailer and enable video ads

Ezoic has a built-in video player that can also play video ads when readers view your pages. This can result in a noticeable increase in your Ezoic earnings and only takes a couple of minutes to set up.

You can use a free tool like Canva to create a basic website trailer that highlights what your website is about and it shouldn’t take you longer than 20 minutes to create.

You can then upload this to Ezoic and add a video placeholder to the bottom of your articles (you just need to add one and Ezoic will recognize that it should do that across the other articles/pages as well).

You can play around with configuring how the video player should look. I generally go with a floating video player in the bottom right corner. This way it appears in the sidebar when viewing on a desktop.

If it’s in the middle of the content, there is a higher chance that visitors will minimize and close it.

Once set up, your readers will see a video player, and advertisers can start also showing video ads on your website.

If you can create custom videos for each article, you will get higher EPMVs as viewers will be more inclined to watch them for longer (and it can also increase your article’s on-page time, which may slightly help with your SEO performance), but the website trailer method is a good trade-off if you don’t have the time.

I’ve seen around $2 extra per 1,000 pageviews from video ads alone with this method.

6. Take advantage of Ezoic Premium if invited

This tip may not be available to everyone immediately as Ezoic’s Premium program is invite-only.

If you are invited to join though, I highly recommend taking them up on it.

I was only invited after around 3 months of being on the platform, but some people have reported being invited after 2 months as well.

The program is not free, and you need to pay in advance, which is one of the biggest drawbacks, but they do say you will earn more than what you pay and you’ll only be invited if they are confident of that.

It’s a tiered program that is based on the amount you earn from Ezoic Ad Partners.

You need to earn at least $50 in a month to qualify for the lowest tier, the starter plan, and the plan you are offered will be dependent on your specific revenue numbers.

Even if you’re not a beginner blogger, it can be quite confusing as they give you a bunch of unnecessary options for different plans and billing periods, I would recommend taking the most expensive plan on offer, and selecting the annual billing period. This doesn’t mean you will have to pay for a year in advance, it just means you’ve subscribed to Premium for at least a year.

Now the benefit of Ezoic Premium is you can earn much more without doing any additional work.

For example, I’m on the 5-star plan which costs me $440 per month, but I can earn between $680 and $800 more per month.

In reality, I earn around $700 per month more from Ezoic’s Premium ads, so if we minus the $440 from that, I make an additional $260 per month without doing any extra work.

Ezoic Premium Ads

And the more money you generate with Ezoic, the more you can make with Premium ads as you rise up through the different tiers.

7. Add the Ezoic plugin to your website

The Ezoic plugin is great for automatically generating ad placements to your website or blog.

All you need to do is install the WordPress plugin, head over to the “Ad settings” section and apply Ezoics recommended placeholder settings.

Their systems will then add placeholders to your site in the best places.

Don’t worry though, their machine learning will analyze which placeholders work best for each visitor, so they won’t use all of the placeholders, instead, each visitor will be served a custom layout, based on how they interact.

While I added quite a lot of placeholders to my sites, I noticed a slight increase in EPMV after following the advice of one of the Ezoic support members that recommended using the plugin instead.

So, if you only have a few placeholders, you should see quite a big difference.

And at the very least, it will save a ton of time setting up placeholders.

8. Activate Ezoic LEAP and caching

LEAP is Ezoic’s site optimization tool and caching is (you guessed it) their caching tool.

It’s basically like WP Rocket which helps you increase your site speed and page loading times.

This then helps improve your readers’ user experience when they visit your website, and it can also help with Core Web Vitals scores (although unless everything is in red, you really don’t have to worry too much about those anyway).

Unlike WP Rocket though, LEAP and Ezoics caching are free to use if you’re running Ezoic Ads on your site.

So you can either save, by not having to pay for an optimization plugin, or you can earn more by ranking higher on Google thanks to better UX.

9. Enable Ezoic mediation

Enabling Ezoic mediation links your AdSense account with Ezoic, which results in Ezoics ad partners and your Adsense account all competing against each other in real-time to earn you the highest ad rates.

If your AdSense account wins the highest bid against Ezoic and their partners, that money is credited to your AdSense account, but it will still show under the Mediation Ad Partners section in your Ezoic dashboard.

This can be quite confusing at first, so here’s an example:

If you earned $1000 through Ezoic Ads and another $100 through “Mediation Ad Partners”, your Ezoic dashboard will show that you earned $1100 within that time period.

When the time comes for that time period’s payout though, Ezoic will only pay out the $1000 that was earned through them. The $100 earned from mediation is accredited to your Google AdSense account and will be paid out from there (if and when your account reached the minimum payout amount).

This is basically another way of maximizing how much you can earn on your website without having to do any additional work.

Ezoic Mediation Partners

Final thoughts

So there you have it, nine easy ways to increase your Ezoic earnings.

All of these tips are simple and straightforward, but they can make a big difference in your monthly revenue.

If you’re not already using Ezoic, sign up for free today and start seeing the benefits for yourself.

With Ezoic, you can easily and quickly increase your website’s revenue without having to make any major changes to your site.

David Woutersen

Article by

David Woutersen

David is the founder of and has been in the social media industry since 2017. Since then, his mission has been to help others take control of their online presence. For some, this has been earning an income online; for others, it's teaching how to use social networks more effectively. And each year, he continues to help millions with strategy, troubleshooting, and inspiration.

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