How To Find Your Blogging Niche in 5 Easy Steps

Hey there! Welcome to our post, today we’re going to be looking at how to find your blogging niche. How to find fun and interesting topics, that are both profitable and will keep you interested in many months and years to come.

Before we get into all of that though, we need to answer a few important questions so that we can better understand what we’re looking for exactly.

In this post, we’re going to look at what a blogging niche is, why it’s important, and some myths about profitable niches. We’ll look at some examples & then I’ll show you the simple 5-step process on how to find your blogging niche.

What is a blogging niche?

A niche is a group of people. A segment, a demographic, anything really that has a number of people that share a similar interest in.

A blogging niche is writing and create awesome content for these people, for this specific group. A niche can be almost anything as well. For example, a niche blog could be on broad topics, like health or baking, but it could also be something really specific, like joint pain or cupcakes. Not all of these niches may be ideal for you, however, and we’ll get into that a little bit further down.

Best Value

Get your website up and running with a simple one-click WordPress install using Bluehost.

Sign up for their hosting and get a free domain name and start a money-making blog for only $2.95/month (save 71% with the link below).

Why is it important to have a blogging niche?

So now that we understand WHAT a blogging niche is, we need to make sense of the WHY. Why is it important?

1. A blogging niche gives your website structure.

By having a set of topics, you’ll stick to writing articles that are all somehow related.

Sub-topics can be categorized, but you’ll always have the one main topic that your website will be about.

2. By having a blogging niche, it is easier to build an audience.

Think about this for a second;

You’re someone that enjoys DIY projects, you know those stereotypical Pinterest-styled DIY projects and creating your own furniture, accessories, etc. Well, you stumble upon two articles from two different blogs. Both basically cover the same DIY project and they do a good job at explaining how to make your very own customized work-desk. Awesome!

Now one of the articles is in the Home DIY niche. In the sidebar or below the article there are a few other interesting topics about DIY projects that catch your eye. The other is a mixed blog, with fashion, finance, feathers, and who knows what else!

Which blog do you think would have a higher chance of you reading another post, getting to know the authors, and maybe even subscribing?

Yes, of course, it would be the Home DIY blog!

The simple reason is that you can be fairly certain of what to expect from this blog and if you fall into the niche, it will provide value and interest to you.

3. It is easier to work with companies if you have a blogging niche.

By having a clear blogging niche, you’ll be able to work with companies and brands that are also in or around your niche. Depending on how you may want to monetize your blog, this can be very important. Especially if you’re only looking to work with sponsored posts and partnerships.

The importance here lies with the brand or company, who is most likely looking for a partnership that will result in the most conversions, leads, or whichever other metrics they may be targeting. By having a clear niche, you can tell these brands, “hey Mr. CEO, I like what you’re doing over there, I’ve got just the audience that’s going to love your company! Let’s meet soon and discuss a sponsorship/partnership.”

4. You can become an expert/authority in the field.

By sticking to a specific niche, you can become synonymous with the topic and people will refer to you as an expert in the field. The more successful your blog, the more of an authority your site will become thanks to the powers of social proof (I.e. So many people like/trust it, it must be good.).

How To Ifnd Your Blogging Niche In 5 Easy Steps

Do you get profitable blogging niches and unprofitable blogging niches?

Yes & No.

There are definitely blogging niches that are more monetizable than other niches. I’ve also come across some blogs, however, that are in such extreme niches that I never thought in my wildest imagination could actually be viable businesses.

Some examples of weird blogging websites that actually do make money in their odd niches:

  • Retiring Lego Sets – Yes, a blog dedicated to Lego sets that are going into retirement.
  • Go Mechanical Keyboard – I’m not sure if there’s a more niche topic in the world of technology than mechanical keyboards, but regardless, that’s what this site focuses on and they do it very well.
  • CreepyPasta – Horror Stories – Who would have thought telling creepy stories could be a viable way to make money blogging?
  • Send Cat Facts – Alright, this one is not a blog, but I found it so good I had to include it. The name says all you need to know. The website was sold for $50 000, and all it does is send your friends and loved one’s facts about cats.

If there is one thing that this proves is that all you need to have for a successful niche blog is some creativity in your monetization process.

Now you may still be wondering, what blogging niches are the most monetizable. Even though I firmly believe that you can monetize most blogs successfully with just that pinch of creativity to formulate a good business plan, there are some niche’s that do better than others.

5 of the most profitable blogging niches & examples

Making Money Online

This is what people generally think about when someone says ‘profitable blog’. Why? Because the majority of people in this niche tend to use their own exploits as an example of how to make money blogging. This has its benefits, but for beginners, it also has its negatives.

Generally speaking, unless you’re blogging about how you’re starting out and what you’re doing that is working and isn’t working, you will run into some problems in the credibility department and you may start to look slimy and just plain dishonest.

These blogs are great for when you’ve already gotten your foot in the door and have an established money-making blog. There are always people looking to start and looking to learn. You need to be in a position to show these potential customers and viewers that you can provide them with the information that has made you successful.

A big reason why this blogging niche is so successful for entrepreneurs looking to make money online is due to people’s willingness to spend money on something that they believe will either save them or make them money in the long term.

Examples of Making Money Online Blogs

Pro Blogger - How To Find Your Blogging Niche
Darren Rowse – Pro Blogger

Financial & Personal Advice

These blogs make money because of similar reasons to making money blogs. Mainly because of people’s acceptance to spend money if it will help them save in the long term or if it will help them solve their personal problems.

The finance side of things can range extensively, from how to live more frugally to staying at 5-star hotels for free. The personal advice, or life coaching, can teach you mannerisms to build your confidence, get that raise you’ve been looking for, etc.

I grouped this into one category even though they can quite easily be separated. A lot of the time life coaching can also mean taking control of your budget and learning to spend more realistically.

Examples of Financial & Personal Advice Blogs


This can be one of the trickier blogging niches to get a real foothold into, but once you’re established it can be packed with some really awesome bonuses. I’m talking about events, trips and lots of freebies. This niche could also be a sub-niche if you’re a lifestyle blogger or influencer. Later on, you’ll just need to be very picky about your partnerships. You don’t want to auction off your audience’s interests to the highest bidder.

Examples of Fashion Blogs


Broad, that is exactly what this niche is. To narrow it down just a tiny bit, let’s call the e-learning blogging niche ‘teaching people to use things’.

Thanks to modern developments with the internet, computers, etc. learning, and teaching has become far more accessible and affordable worldwide. People that have no access to attend colleges, universities, etc., or just have no time, can easily watch and participate in courses online at their own pace at a fraction of the cost of normal person-to-person education.

This blogging niche is developing quite rapidly, with the increase in people having access to the internet. This means the potential market is also growing.

Blogs in this niche are generally are structured around selling their courses or their eBooks. Topics that are covered can range from photoshop editing, learning to play the piano or speak another language, to even training your dogs, ferret or fish!

Examples of E-Learning Blogs

Phlearn - How To Find Your Blogging Niche In 5 Easy Steps

Health & Fitness

Fitness and health will always be a popular topic. People are always looking for better and easier ways to look more attractive naked after all.

A lot of these blogs are run by people in the industry or were previously in the industry, like fitness trainers, nutritionists, etc. The topics that can be covered is also quite broad, like yoga, nutrition, vegan, keto, weight training, etc.

Examples of Health & Fitness Blogs

These are just 5 of the most profitable blogging niches. There are many more, and above all else, it really comes down how creatively you can monetize your blog. Next up we’re going to look at the 5 steps you can take today to easily find your blogging niche.

Choosing Your Blog Niche

We need to ask a few questions to get to an honest answer to what your blogging niche is and should be.

1. What are you passionate about?

What are your passions? Things you love to do, talk about, hobbies, etc.
You need to remember, your blog could go on for months and years. Is this really a topic you’re going to be passionate about writing in 2 years’ time still? Your blog is like a really long story, it evolves and develops over time, but with all great stories, there is structure and a clear topic throughout.

This doesn’t mean to say you should write about all of your passions though. Even if you don’t feel as if you’re passionate about a certain subject yet, passion can be developed. As long as you enjoy writing about it and have enough knowledge on the subject. This brings us to our next question.

2. What are you knowledgeable about?

What are the things that you know about, things people often ask you for advice on or for help with? Do you have any special talents or is there a little something that puts your knowledge about something above the average joes?

How To Find Your Blogging Niche In 5 Easy Steps

3. Can you get 3+ subtopics from any of these topics?

Alright, so you’ve got a list of topics you’re passionate & knowledgeable on, can you break these topics down into any subtopics? I.e. Dog Care can be broken down into Training, Grooming, Nutrition, etc.

You’ll want at least 3 topics in mind when starting your blog. This is in order to throw out a wide enough net to bring in the perfect audience for your blog. You’ll want to make sure that you’re not throwing out too wide though, I.e. Health -> Food, Fitness, Travel, etc. Unless you’ve got a multi-person team that’s capable of producing multiple posts a day, this method will leave your blog looking rather directionless and wild. You’ll probably also not be starting out your blog with a whole team of writers, editors, etc. ?

Now that we’re at this point, you should already have some niche ideas with topics that you’re interested in.

4. How can you monetize these topics?

If you’re not looking to monetize your blog, you can just skip ahead.
If you’re still reading though, you are going to want to look into ways that you could monetize your blog before it’s even started. Don’t get too caught in this though, you’re just looking into the possibility of monetization. You shouldn’t be planning courses, contacting sponsors, etc. just yet.

Have a look at the competition and see what they’re doing. Look for possible affiliate products and other ways blogs in your niche are making money.

5. Start your blog, see what your audience connects with and create more content in that direction

Now that we’re here, you’re going to want to pick a blogging niche that you have a genuine interest in. Not just a topic that seems like it is easy to make money in. Your blog niche should be something you enjoy writing about, this makes it much easier to manage a blog in the long term.

Picked your niche? Congrats!

Best Value

Get your website up and running with a simple one-click WordPress install using Bluehost.

Sign up for their hosting and get a free domain name and start a money-making blog for only $2.95/month (save 71% with the link below).

Now we get to the really fun part! it’s time to start making posts in those subtopics and seeing what your audience engages with the most. Those topics that get the best reaction and most views will be what your audience wants to see and what you should continue making. This will help your blog grow and become the next authority website in your niche!

David Woutersen

Article by

David Woutersen

David is the founder of and has been in the social media industry since 2017. Since then, his mission has been to help others take control of their online presence. For some, this has been earning an income online; for others, it's teaching how to use social networks more effectively. And each year, he continues to help millions with strategy, troubleshooting, and inspiration.

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