16 Types of Blogs That Make Money (with Examples)

If you are reading this, odds are, you want to know what are the best types of blogs that make money. This is a common question, or thought, for people that want to start a blog, but it’s also common amongst those that already have an established blog, but want to make more money with their website.

While it is true that you can make money with just about any type of blog, there are a few blog niches and types that tend to generate a far greater income than the rest. In this article, we’re going to look at the best 16 types of blogs that make money right now and will in the months and years to come.

If you’re new to blogging, make sure that when going through this list, you look for blog types that you are interested in and passionate about. It will make the journey all the more rewarding and you could even get there faster as you’ll be excited about writing and working on your blog.

To help give you some inspiration, I’ll include some examples of blogs that make money in each of these blogging niches. You should use these for income-generating ideas, and potential ways that you can make money blogging as well, but don’t just go out and copy them.

Now, let’s get to the good stuff, here are 16 types of blogs that make money in 2023.

Types Of Blogs That Make Money
Table of Contents

Business-related Types of Blogs that Make Money

I’ve grouped these into 3 categories, and while the category itself doesn’t necessarily mean you will earn more, the first of these categories does seem to have the blogs with the highest incomes. These are business-related blog types and as with most businesses, generally, the ones that solve the biggest problems (e.g., provide the largest monetary value) can earn the highest amounts.

There may be some overlap of course in different niches, but this should give you a good overview of what type of category your blog can fall into.

1. Finance Blog

First on this list are finance blogs, and if you’re someone that is great with money, this may be a great choice of blog for you.

Finance blogs provide people with financial advice, this can be for people from all walks of life, whether you’re a college student, looking to pay off debts, parents, or have some extra cash that you’re looking to spend/invest wisely.

Finance blogs have in general some of the highest CPMs when it comes to ads, as advertisers here have a lot of competition and can pay a lot more than most niches as their products tend to generate far greater revenue for them. For bloggers, this is of course a big win.

It’s not only ads that you can stand to benefit from though, as I have already said, but the products in this niche also tend to have a higher value, which means that if you sell products/services or are an affiliate for some of these products and services, you can earn quite a lot off of a relatively small number of traffic/conversions.

Blogging in this niche can be very diverse, but some of the main topics covered would be:

  • Budgeting
  • Saving money
  • Investing money
  • Passive income
  • Debt management
  • Side hustles
  • Working from home

If these are things you are passionate about and have some experience in, then maybe it’s time you start a finance blog.

Examples of finance blogs that make money:

The Money Ninja – $7,000+ per month
Making sense of cents – $1.5mil+ a year
Finsavvy Panda – $22,000+ per month

2. Marketing Blog

This is another problem many businesses suffer with, especially in the digital age with the marketing landscape changing constantly. This is why a marketing blog is also one of the best types of blogs to make money with.

Marketing blogs help creators, marketers, and business owners navigate these new waters while increasing their reach, as well as increasing their conversions, both online and offline.

These types of blogs can be related to a specific sub-niche, such as social media (which is how this blog you’re reading started and is one of the main topics I cover here), but can also be as diverse as covering the entire industry.

With a marketing blog you can cover the latest trends in certain industries, cover how to get ahead on certain platforms or with certain mediums, and also provide strategies to increase your reach, be that with your website, email list, social media channels, or even through traditional marketing channels in a modern landscape.

Examples of marketing blogs that make money:

Createandgo.com – $100,000+ per month
Ryrob.com – $43,000+ per month
Her Paper Route – $12,000+ per month

As the world becomes more digital, traditional services are slowly becoming more digital, and when you have a problem, one of the first things most people do is take out their phone and on a search engine like Google, they type in their problem. For legal problems, this is no different.

People want to see if they can solve their legal problems themselves, whether it’s something tax-related, or to see if what they are doing is legally correct. Lawyers are notoriously expensive, which means that there are a lot of opportunities online to provide solutions for what can be considered common or basic problems that might not need a one-on-one consultation with an expensive legal expert.

These could be a set of legal templates for your blog, a video guide on how to file your taxes in a certain country, apply for work in a foreign country, how to immigrate to a new country, and so on.

If you have any serious legal problems, however, then you should definitely consult a professional. And for ambitious legal bloggers, if you’re no longer practicing, you could even use your blog as a lead-generating tool for a network of lawyers from around the world, because they’ll also be in the market for new clients and you can earn a good amount in commissions for doing a bit of match-making.

Aselfguru.com – $60,000+ per month
Above the law – Over 50,000 Newsletter subscribers
Legal Eagle – 1.6mil+ YouTube Subscribers

4. Business Blog

When it comes to business-related blogs, there can be quite a lot of overlap with marketing blogs. This is because a key success factor when it comes to running a business is marketing.

Business blogs discuss industry trends, they provide practical advice on starting and scaling a business, as well as different options for starting a business depending on your specific circumstances.

Some common topics covered by business blogs are:

  • How to make money online
  • Business ideas
  • How to market your business
  • Business trends
  • Business funding and pitching advice
  • Entrepreneurial motivation
  • Business planning

These types of blogs do generally cover other topics that you’ll find in marketing and finance blogs as well due to the major overlap.

Examples of business blogs that make money:

Adam Enfroy – $83,000+ per month
Melyssa Griffin – $140,000+ per month
Smart Passive Income – $125,000+ per month

Self-Help Related blog types that have money-making potential

In the previous section we covered blogs that solve problems generally related to money, as this deals with people’s livelihoods, these sites have high-income potential. Another area that has huge income potential, but for a completely different reason is self-help.

People are willing to invest in improving their habits to become the best version of themselves and they’re willing to spend large portions of their disposable income to reach these goals.

So, let’s take a look at some of the blogging niches that you could fall into.

5. Personal Development Blog

The first thing that springs to mind when you think of self-help would be personal development.

These blogs usually provide readers with help getting in touch with who they really are and managing their emotions to achieve their goals, vision, and the life that they are aspiring to have.

These blogs generally cover things like:

  • Life coaching
  • Emotional mastery
  • Dating and relationships
  • Mindset
  • Happiness
  • Mental health

Examples of self-improvement blogs that make money:

Women blazing trails – $4,250+ per month
Let’s reach success – $5,000+ per month
Goodbye, Self Help – $2,400+ per month

6. Health and Fitness Blog

Self-help doesn’t only fall into the emotional and mental side of things. Many people are looking for ways to improve their physical health and appearance, and this is where health and fitness blogs have a large earning potential.

Fitness and health-related blogs help readers achieve a healthy lifestyle while improving strength and fitness. This doesn’t have to be a bodybuilding blog (although that could be a topic if you’re into that sort of thing), you can also write about a wealth of different topics such as:

  • Healthy eating
  • Niche workout and exercise plans (Bodybuilding, Yoga, Pilates, etc.)
  • Nutritional advice
  • How to do certain exercises
  • Mindfulness
  • Body positivity

There are a ton of different topics you can cover when it comes to health and fitness, and we can all relate to one or another aspect, meaning there is a vast audience waiting to read your content if this is something that you are interested in.

Examples of health and fitness blogs that make money:

Organize yourself Skinny – $13,000+ per month
Fit Mom Journey – $10,000+ per month
Nerd Fitness – $100,000+ per month

7. Parenting Blog

Sometimes also known as mom blogs as these are often written by mothers speaking about their first-hand experiences. Dads have started to enter the chat in this respect as well, so we’re going to go and just call these parenting blogs.

Parenting blogs are all about raising your children and cover a variety of different family topics. These blogs are a great way of sharing your own experiences as many parents are looking for advice on the same things and you can be that relatable hand that helps them along their journey.

Parenting blogs cover a variety of different topics, some being:

  • Homeschooling
  • Raising teenagers
  • Handling work and kids
  • Traveling with children
  • Affordable parenting
  • Children’s nutrition

Parenting blogs also have the added benefit of being able to make money and spend more time at home with your kids.

Examples of parenting blogs that make money in 2023:

Mommy on Purpose – $5000+ per month
The Realistic Mama – $20,000+ per month
The Soccer Mom Blog – $11,000+ per month

8. Sustainability Blog

The topic of sustainability and eco-friendliness can overlap with just about every topic discussed here. Blogs that fall into this category generally only write about their sub-niche within this topic, however.

Sustainability blogs are about conserving the planet that we’re living on, helping readers become self-sufficient and bringing awareness to climate change, pollution, and providing solutions that everyone can implement to make a positive impact on both themselves, but also the planet.

Topics covered by sustainability blogs are often:

  • Living off-grid
  • Self-sustainable gardening
  • Environmental alternatives for popular products
  • No waste living
  • Minimalism
  • DIY/Crafts

Examples of sustainability blogs that make money:

Embracing Simple Blog – $2,400+ per month
Fork in the Road – $2,900+ per month

Lifestyle and hobby-related Blogs that Make Money

These are often the first types of blogs that introduce beginners into the world of blogging. These are the passion projects and the typical “fun” styled blogs that get the most “And you can make a living like that?” questions.

Yes, you can make a living like that, and you can earn quite a lot in fact, as you’ll see below.

9. Travel Blog

If you love traveling, visiting new places, and telling people about your adventures and the different things you saw, ate, etc. Then a travel blog may just be your calling.

Travel blogs showcase different places and provide readers with inspiration for their next holiday, things to do on their next trip, and ideas on where to eat. These blogs often have beautiful images (although you don’t have to be a professional photographer to have a great travel blog), comprehensive lists, and provide insights on the very best things to do and see from a local’s perspective.

These types of blogs write about a variety of different things, such as:

  • Traveling on a budget
  • Travel itineraries
  • Things to do and see
  • Local travel
  • Food in different countries
  • Remote work or online jobs to travel
  • Backpacking

Examples of travel blogs that make money:

Kara and Nate – $40,000+ per month
Adventure in You – $19,000+ per month
Two Wandering Soles – $16,000+ per month

10. Fashion Blog

Would you consider yourself a stylish and fashion-forward person? Then it may be time to consider a fashion blog.

Fashion blogs can actually make quite a lot of money, with affiliate marketing, your own products, and of course ads being some of the best ways to earn an income with your fashion blog.

It’s not just about the pretty picture and stylish outfits though, fashion blogs cover a variety of topics that provide their readers with value, things like:

  • Affordable fashion
  • DIY fashion/hacks (and fashion upgrades)
  • Environmentally friendly fashion
  • Seasonal style
  • Clothing for particular occasions (like weddings, interviews, etc.)
  • Fashion reviews
  • Latest style trends

Examples of fashion blogs that make money in 2023:

The Modest Man – $7,900+ per month
Chic Pursuit – $4,200+ per month
Affordable by Amanda – $4,000+ per month

11. Food Blog

If you love cooking and experimenting in the kitchen, or just love trying different dishes and desserts, then a food blog might be ideal for you.

Food blogs revolve mostly around recipes but can cover a variety of different topics and sub-niches, things like:

  • Baking recipes
  • Quick meals
  • Growing your own fruit and vegetables
  • Affordable meals
  • Cooking without XYZ (like recipes without an oven, for example)
  • Drink recipes
  • Restaurant reviews

Food blogs, like fashion and travel, can be very visual, which is why being active on visual social networks like Pinterest and Instagram can help your blog’s growth.

Examples of food blogs that make money in 2023:

Green Thickies – $15,000+ per month
Pinch of yum – $100,000+ per month
Show me the Yummy – $46,000+ per month

12. DIY/Craft Blog

Do it yourself, or craft blogs, that show readers how they can do things themselves. Whether that’s building a house or decorating your living room, the possibilities are endless.

If you’re a maker and have a knack for creating things yourself, then a DIY/craft blog can be a great way of sharing your knowledge with others, while earning a good income in the process. You can then work on projects you wouldn’t have had the time or money for before, or just enjoy the added freedom to do other things you love.

DIY/craft blogs can cover just about any topic, these are some popular ones:

  • Woodwork
  • Home Renovation
  • Arts and crafts
  • Clothing
  • Gardening
  • Holiday decorations
  • DIY life hacks

Some of the most popular videos on social networks like Facebook and YouTube are DIY videos, so if you want to showcase your DIY skills, it can help to grow your blog by incorporating videos and starting a YouTube Channel as well.

Examples of DIY/craft blogs that make money in 2023:

While she naps – $9000+ per month
Crochetpreneur – $17,000+ per month
The Shabby Creek Cottage – $25,000+ per month

13. Pet Blog

We all love our pets and if you enjoy writing about yours, then you may want to consider a pet blog.

You’re probably wondering if pet blogs can actually make money, and I’m here to tell you that they absolutely can, and they do. There are a few great ways to monetize your pet blogs, such as adding affiliate links to your favorite pet toys, gear, training, and other pet care products.

Pet blogs can cover a variety of different topics, or they can be completely niched down to one specific breed. Here are some of the most popular topics for different pet blogs:

  • Training your pet
  • Traveling with your pet
  • Adopting
  • Breed information
  • Dealing with exotic animals
  • Nutrition

Examples of pet blogs that make money or get a lot of traffic:

You Did What with Your Wiener – $10,000+ per month
Sit Stay – 70,000+ page visits per month
The Spruce Pets – 12mil+ page visits per month

14. Technology Blog

If you’re like me, then you can’t help yourself when a new tech gadget gets released and watch every review you can find as well as reading about all of the features and functions on various tech blogs.

Technology blogs provide information and reviews on the latest tech gear and help influence readers buying decisions, because of this, tech blogs can make a lot of money through affiliate commissions. People are normally already “warm” when they’re looking for a review on a specific product so when they click on your article and it’s an authentic review that shows the pros and cons, if the cons aren’t a deal-breaker for them, they may just click on your link and then make a purchase.

As tech products also tend to be high-value items, even if you’re an affiliate for Amazon where you earn a very small percentage as an affiliate commission, you can make quite a lot of money per transaction.

Tech blogs cover a wide variety of topics and niches, some of the most common are:

  • Product reviews
  • Product comparisons and rankings
  • Tutorials and guides
  • Affordable tech
  • News and leaks

Examples of technology blogs that get a lot of page visitors:

Photography Blog – 480,000+ page views per month
Ken Rockwell – 1.5mil+ page views per month
Laptop Mag – 5.6mil+ page views per month

15. Gaming Blog

Gaming is a genre very popular on YouTube, but with the gaming world migrating almost completely online, opportunities within the gaming niche are also growing for blogs.

Your gaming blog can be specific to a specific niche, cover the whole industry, only focus on a specific topic (like reviews), or you can use your blog to support your presence on YouTube or on a streaming service.

Here are some examples of different things you can write about for gaming:

  • Let’s play videos
  • Tutorials and game walkthroughs
  • Game reviews
  • Game comparisons

Examples of gaming channels that make money in 2023:

Pewdiepie – 108m+ YouTube Subscribers
BorasLegend – 380k+ YouTube Subscribers
CrazyPlayz – 1.3m+ YouTube Subscribers

16. Lifestyle Blog

The previous blog types all had one thing in common, they focus on a specific topic or industry, this is where lifestyle blogs are a little bit different.

Lifestyle blogs tend to have many different topics and the way they are woven together to make a cohesive blog is the personality and the stories behind the writer or they write and cater to a specific audience.

This type of blog connects with its audience by being very relatable. If you can’t decide on exactly what you want to write about but have value to share with a particular audience, then a lifestyle blog may be something to consider.

These blogs cover just about everything, with a strong overlap on some personal development topics. Here are some of the more popular topics:

  • Relationships
  • Learning a new skill
  • Productivity
  • Best XYZ for twenty-somethings (clothing brands, vacation destinations, etc.)

Examples of lifestyle blogs that make money

It’s Claudia G – $2,700+ per month
Just a girl and her blog – $40,000+ per month
Chasing Foxes – $19,000+ per month

How to make money blogging

Now that we’ve covered the different types of blogs that make money, let’s take a look at how to make money blogging. There are a number of different ways to make money blogging, with the only real limitations being your imagination, so here are some of the most popular ways to make money blogging:

  • Run ads on your blog
  • Include affiliate links in your articles
  • Sell advertising space on your blog
  • Create and sell an eBook
  • Create and sell a course
  • Promote your services
  • Collect donations through PayPal or Patreon
  • Sponsored posts
  • Sell a virtual product (like a template or how-to guide)
  • Sell products on Etsy
  • Sell your blog (Ok, this one’s a bit extreme, but some blogs have sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars)

How to pick your blogging niche

Picking the type of blog that you want to make shouldn’t rely solely on the amount of money you can make within that niche.

As you’ve just seen, it’s very possible to make money with just about any niche.

What you need to get there however is the passion to see things through, as well as the interest and at least a decent understanding of the subject in order to provide value.

Of course, the more of an expert you are on a particular subject, the better, but just because you’re not an expert yet doesn’t mean that you cannot write about something you are passionate about and learning about.

Just by showing an interest in something, you’ll already have a far greater knowledge of a subject compared to the majority of people, and this knowledge you can share on your blog.

Even if you’re a beginner, your journey can be relatable to other people who are in a similar situation.

The simple answer to picking a blogging niche is to find something you’re passionate about in the list above, but if you’re still having difficulties, check out this article to find your blog niche in 5 easy steps.

Best Practices to Create a Blog That Will Make Money

Write for your audience

This means that you should think about your audience first and not yourself. Put yourself in their shoes and think about why they should read your blog. Once you’ve answered that question, you’ll know exactly what to write.

Be authentic

In the modern world, there are a lot of people faking it, with many even advocating for people to “fake it until you make it”. People aren’t stupid though, and you’ll get a lot further and live a much healthier life if you’re open and honest with your readers. People appreciate authenticity and by being authentic, you’re showing you’re a real person, with real problems that your readers will be able to relate to.

Provide solutions to problems

If you’re going to only take one thing from this post, let it be this: Provide solutions to your reader’s problems. If you can provide your readers with solutions, you’re providing them with value and that is the name of the game when it comes to blogging.

Give before you ask

This goes along the lines of the previous point about providing solutions. Show your readers that you can help solve their problems and only thereafter ask for something in return. This could be an affiliate product that takes it one step further, a course that will provide even more value, or you just asking them to read another article.

What’s Next

The next step, now that you know the types of blogs that make money, would be to start your own blog and get going.

Best Value

Get your website up and running with a simple one-click WordPress install using Bluehost.

Sign up for their hosting and get a free domain name and start a money-making blog for only $2.95/month (save 71% with the link below).

For more help along the way, I’ve included two of my favorite blogging courses depending on how far along you are in your journey that will help take you all the way from blog setup to six figures.

Launch Your Blog Biz

If you’re at the very beginning of your blogging journey and finding it tough getting started. I recommend the Launch Your Blog Biz course, from Alex and Lauren from Create & Go.

This course guides you through setting up your blog with WordPress, customizing themes, creating graphics, how to write blog posts, blogging fundamentals, building your list, and many more useful and professional tips and tutorials. In addition to the blogging stuff, you’ll also learn how to monetize your blog through affiliate marketing, sales, and email funnels, how to convert readers into buyers, using social media to get traffic to your posts, and much more.

Launch Your Blog Biz

Six-Figure Blogger

If you’re already making some money with your blog and have an established audience and blog niche, then this is the course to help take you from hobby blogger to six-figure blogger.

Amira from aselfguru.com (one of the profitable legal blogs mentioned earlier) is actually a student of the course and watching her go from 0-$60k per month has been quite incredible.

Six Figure Blogger Course

Now that you know the 16 types of blogs that make money, which ones are you going to go after? Or have you already started and are well on your way?

Wherever you are in your journey, I hope this article has helped shed some light on the income potential you can make when you start a blog, content site, authority site, or whatever you want to call it.

David Woutersen

Article by

David Woutersen

David is the founder of Outofthe925.com and has been in the social media industry since 2017. Since then, his mission has been to help others take control of their online presence. For some, this has been earning an income online; for others, it's teaching how to use social networks more effectively. And each year, he continues to help millions with strategy, troubleshooting, and inspiration.

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